Bishops, Biden, and Brokenness in the Church

Ok, it’s time. I have been simultaneously working towards this and dreading it. The obligatory Biden and the Bishops post. Backstory: If you haven’t been consumed by the media on this, here’s the story: The USCCB, or US Conference of Catholic Bishops, voted last week on whether or not to draft a document on the... Continue Reading →

Dear Trump Supporters, Part II

Dear Trump Supporters, I am so, so angry at you. Like so angry I would like to stand on a pedestal and scream unkind things at you. Why? Because I am scared out of my mind of what is happening in our country right now. The President fired the secretary of defense right after he... Continue Reading →

A Letter to Trump Supporters

Dear Trump Supporters, For the last several days, I have waited to write a post. Maybe part of me was afraid, but mostly, I wanted to be respectful of your feelings, knowing the intense amount of fear and stress so many of you were feeling. As the counting draws to a close, and certifications begin,... Continue Reading →

The Catholic Case for Biden

Last week, I was kindly invited to offer a Catholic Case for Biden to be opposite The Catholic Case for Trump. It was a very intense post to write for me. I worked very hard to keep attacks on Trump as low as possible, and to cite Church social teaching as accurately as possible. I... Continue Reading →

Stay in the Fight

Tonight, I am struggling to find the words to say, again. As this election season comes to a close, I feel sadness that this is where we are, and fear that by the end of the week we will be in a war. Donald Trump and his followers are fighting to keep as many people... Continue Reading →

A 2020 Lament

How did we get here? How do almost 50% of Americans think That any of what that man does is ok? In a world aching and scared, How do we praise his hate? How do we look at starving children And tell them, you can't live here, And I'm taking your mother away? Or stare... Continue Reading →

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